Principal's Corner

Dear Puma Students and Parents, Welcome to our learning community!

On behalf of our faculty and staff, I would like to welcome you to a new and exciting school year at Vicenza Middle School.

No one rises to low expectations!

We have high expectations for our students in grades 6 through 8, and we will strive to meet the needs of all of our students. We believe our students will excel to their fullest as we work together to raise the bar and encourage and motivate them to set and surpass their goals.

Parents, mentors, and other community members are welcome and encouraged to support our students and school. We seek your positive assistance and energy in helping us to improve the quality and effectiveness of the educational experiences we proudly offer to our students.

I believe that as a learning community, we must promote a solution-orientated, team approach to foster our students' academic, social, and emotional development in a caring, student-centered environment.

I look forward to a successful and fun-filled school year for our students. If you have any ideas, comments, questions, or thoughts you would like to share, please don't hesitate to contact me via telephone or email at

Fortune favors the prepared mind.


Vicenza Middle School

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